Page 46 - Niles_Park_District-Fall_Programs-2024
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                                                                   Call us at 847.967.6633  | Check out our Niles Park District website at

                                                       Give the gift that will last a lifetime! Since Niles Park District
                                                       introduced its Donate-A-Tree Program in 1984, dozens of trees
                                    Gift Cards         have been added to our community’s parks as a result of the
                                                      generosity of individuals, civic groups and organizations. This
                       Give your friends and family members a   ever-growing symbol of life is a special way to remember births,
                gift they will truly enjoy! Niles Park District Gift Cards  wedding days or departed loved ones. You may choose from
               are available in any denomination and can be used to  several varieties of trees to plant in the park of your choice. For
               shape up at Golf View Rec Center, skate a figure eight  additional information on the Donate-A-Tree Program, call Park
               at IceLand, play a round of golf at Tam O’Shanter Golf  Services at (847) 647-6777. Form can be downloaded from our
                Course, and more. Call the Howard Leisure Center at  website,
                         (847) 967-6633 for more information.

           Not All Niles Residents                            Cooperative Facilities
           are in the Park District                           In addition to the facilities owned and operated by the Niles Park District,
           We mail the Park District brochure to everyone with a Niles address.  cooperative agreements with neighboring park districts make certain
           However, there are several areas in Niles that are not within the Park  facilities available to Niles residents at their resident rates. The Morton
           District boundaries and are considered “gray areas”.  These areas are  Grove Park District’s Prairie View Health Center, 6834 Dempster, 965-1200
           required to pay the non-resident fee.  If you are unsure of your  and the Des Plaines Park District Lake Opeka, (847) 827-7930, are part of
           residency status, please check your tax bill or call us at (847) 967-6633.  our cooperative efforts.
           Registration Deadlines                             American with Disabilities Act Notice
           Numerous hours of planning go into providing the very best possible  People with and without disabilities are encouraged and invited to register
           programs.  Therefore, in fairness to all participants we must set and  for all Park District programs of interest.  The Park District is committed to
           adhere to registration deadlines.  Please help us by registering early!  complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act (the “ADA”) and all other
                                                              applicable laws regarding nondiscrimination.
           For Your Safety
           In the event of a serious accident or illness, it is the Niles Park District’s  If you or a family member has a disability and are interested in participating
           policy to contact the Village of Niles Fire Department for emergency first  in or attending Park District programs or activities, the Park District will
           aid and transportation to the hospital.            make reasonable accommodations to facilitate that opportunity, such as
                                                              providing auxiliary communication aids and services, revising policies and
           Code of Conduct                                    practices, removing barriers, selecting available alternate activity sites or
           To ensure an enjoyable and safe program for all participants, the Niles  taking other appropriate action.
           Park District has developed and adopted the following behavior policy.
                                                              To assist Park District staff in making appropriate accommodations, we urge
           All participants in any park district programs or activities on all park
                                                              you to contact us reasonably in advance of program participation and
           district properties must:
                                                              discuss the necessary accommodation.  We will work closely with the
           1. Show respect to all participants and staff.
                                                              Maine-Niles Association of Special Recreation’s (M-NASR) Inclusion
           2. Refrain from using foul language.
                                                              Manager to provide for your individual needs.
           3. Refrain from causing bodily harm.
           4. Show respect to equipment, supplies and facilities.  Families of individuals with disabilities should contact M-NASR at
                                                              (847) 966-5522 to discuss the individual’s participation in the program of
           Additional rules will be adopted for specific programs as deemed
           necessary by the staff.  Niles Park District passed a No Cell Phone
           ordinance in all sensitive areas.                  Thor Guard Severe
           Photo Privileges                                   Weather Warning System
                                                              When severe weather is approaching, a single, 15-second blast will sound.
           Participants and registrants permit the taking of photographs and
                                                              Whether you are in a park or in your own yard, please seek shelter.  When
           videotapes of themselves and their children during the Niles Park
                                                              the danger has past, you will hear three, short 5-second blasts (The “All
           District activities for publication use, as the Niles Park District deems
                                                              Clear”).  At this time you may return to your outdoor activities.  Thor Guard
                                                              is in operation 7 days a week, 6:00 am-10:00 pm, April to November.  To
           Need More Information?                             keep the system operational, every first Tuesday of the month between
           If you need additional details, contact our offices at (847) 967-6633.  10:00-10:30 am, the “All Clear” sequence will be activated.
           You can also check our web site at
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