Page 14 - Niles_Park_District-Fall_Programs-2024
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IceLand Registration & Skating Information
Call us at 847.967.6633 | Check out our Niles Park District website at
IceLand Skate
8435 Ballard Road
(847) 297-8010 |
Marty Stankowicz General Manager
Amy Forbes Skating Director Marty Stankowicz Amy Forbes Alex Alessi Nick Palumbo
Alex Alessi Hockey Director
Nick Palumbo Maintenance Technician
Welcome to IceLand Skate! Because ice time can be hard to find, skating Learn to Skate/Instructional Hockey/Freestyle/Specialty
late at night or early morning is part of a normal day at IceLand. Late night A class refund can be issued if you cancel the class before it begins. There will be a $7
and early morning may be the best times to find ice for youth and adult service charge for canceling a class. Once the session begins there are no refunds.
hockey. Because we realize the shortage of prime-time hours, we will stay Parent/Tot class
open for hockey or recreational skating whenever ice is available - 24 hours There will be no refunds.
a day! Call (847) 297-8010 or email for rental rates and availability.
Tot Beginner Class
REGISTRATION INFORMATION Once the session begins if your child is not "ready" for the program please let the Skating
Most ice skating and hockey registration must be done in person at IceLand. Director know by the 3rd week and a 50% credit will be issued. No credits will be issued
We do this to ensure classes do not get overcrowded and proper placement after the 3rd week. This policy applies to Tot Beginner only.
in levels is achieved. It is very important that you register during the Make-Up Policy
designated registration dates. This will help ensure that your skater gets a Due to class size and ratio of skaters/instructor there will be NO make-ups for missed
spot in the appropriate class and that classes are not overcrowded. classes.
Registration after the designated dates will be taken if space is still available.
Timely registration allows us to schedule enough instructors for classes. Skate Class Card
We realize it is sometimes difficult to master all the skills in Learn to Skate Class levels
At IceLand we define a resident as a family who pays their Park District taxes and for this reason we want to provide the opportunity for our skaters to practice in
to Niles Park District, as well as Morton Grove residents per Park District addition to coming to their weekly class. All skaters registered for a Tot Beg/Beg
reciprocal agreement. Not all families in Niles pay taxes to Niles Park through Delta, and Pre Freestyle will receive a 10 visit Public Skate Class Card
District. In order to receive the resident rate, you need to provide proof of to be used during their current Learn to Skate Class Session to practice during
residency at time of registration, i.e. Drivers License.
Public Skate.
Office & Registration Hours • Parent/Tot Class, 1 card only.
Monday-Friday 9:30 am‑7:00 pm • Public Skate Class Card must be used between the start date and end date
Saturday 9:00 am‑6:00 pm of their current session.
Sunday 10:00 am-4:30 pm • The Public Skate Class Card may only be used by the skater enrolled in the
Session & Registration Dates: current Learn to Skate Class session and are non-transferable.
• Public Skate Class Card is valid for public skate admission only. Card is not
Fall Session: September 4-December 12 (no classes 10/31, 11/25-11/30)
Monday 10 weeks (Classes start Sept 9) valid for special events.
Wednesday 14 weeks (Classes start Sept 4) • Rental skate fee is $5 for each public session.
Thursday 12 weeks (Classes start Sept 12) • Public Skate Class Card must be presented, punched, and dated at the time
Friday 10 weeks (Classes start Sept 6) the skater comes to practice by the front desk staff.
Saturday 12 weeks (Classes start Sept 14) • Each skater will receive one card during their class week 1 or week 2 from
their class instructor, and is responsible for their card. Cards expire on the last
Registration for Fall Session:
Team IceLand & Niles Residents: August 1-August 11 day of the skaters current class session.
Open Registration: August 12-September 3 • Skaters who register for multiple classes will only receive one card for that
$5.00 Discount before September 4 current session.
• No credit will be given to any skater who already has a public skate pass.
All skaters in Tot Beg, Tot 1, Tot 2, Tot 3, Tot 4, Beg, Pre Alpha 1 & 2 skaters • Skaters may not use their Public Skate Class Card to receive Private Lessons.
will be registered as members of the Ice Sports Industries (ISI). They are solely for practice time only.
All skaters in the Alpha through Freestyle 6 Learn to Skate Classes will be • Red Cards may not be used on Special Event Public Skates such as Scary Skate,
registered for United States Figure Skating’s Learn to Skate USA Program. Santa Skate, Bunny Hop, etc.
Both programs provide great benefits to the skaters, fun ice skating Lost Card? Public Skate Class Cards will not be replaced. Cards have no cash value
information for kids, excess accident/sport accident insurance is included with and cannot be exchanged or sold. Cards that are used for a skater other than the
membership, own membership card for each skater, and access to great one whose name is on the card will be confiscated and not returned to the original
information online. This is just another added benefit we here at IceLand feel skater.
is important to provide to our costumers. Public skate days and times are subject to change. Please check our website at before you come or call 847-297-8010 for the most up to date
12 information.