Page 12 - Niles_Park_District-Fall_Programs-2024
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Athletics              Volleyball

                                                                   Call us at 847.967.6633  | Check out our Niles Park District website at

       Fall Co-Ed Youth Volleyball League                           FALL
       Grade 5-8
       This league will be limited to team registration for either the 5th/6th Grade
       Division, or 7th/8th Grade Division.  Teams must have their own coach and
       a minimum of 8 players and a max of 14 players.  6 teams max per
       division. Practices will be on Mondays/Wednesdays.
       Registration deadline is August 19.
       Location: LoVerde Sports & Rec Center                        FUN!
       Grade  Code   Day   Date      Time         Team Fee
       5 & 6  420310-05 Sun  Sept 8-Nov 3  9:00 am-Noon  $800
       7 & 8  420310-06 Sun  Sept 8-Nov 3  11:00 am-2:00 pm $800
                                                                     HARVEST HUSTLE
       Senior Open Volleyball
       Adults 50 & Older
       Come out and have some recreational fun.  Join other friends and
       neighbors in a game of volleyball.  No pre-registration is needed. Individual  TRUNK OR TREAT
       fee is paid at the desk.  Just stop in!
       No open volleyball November 5.
       Location: Grennan Heights                                      MONSTER BASH
       Date:  Sept 11-Dec 17
       Day:   Tues
       Time:  7:00-9:00 pm                                                HALLOWEEN
       Fee:   $4
                                                                     PARADE & PARTY
       Co-Ed Adult Volleyball League
       Adults 18 & Older
       Teams will play 7 games plus playoffs.  Scorekeepers and referee costs are  ICELAND
       included in the team fee. Registration deadline is August 19.  Teams
       must register with Ryan Webb, 847-583-2751,
       Location:  LoVerde Sports & Rec Center                            SCARY SKATE
       Code    Day  Date     Game Times        Team Fee
       420308-01 Thurs Sept 5-Oct 24 8:00 pm, 8:50 pm, 9:40 pm $550  FIND ALL THE DETAILS ON PAGES 30-32

                                                                Winter Break

                                                                                         C A M P !

                                                                 *  For Grades K - 8

                                                                 *  Sign Up For 1, 2, or All Days

                                                                 *  See Page 28

                                                                     REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS

                                                                  *  DECEMBER 20

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