Page 8 - Niles_Park_District-Fall_Programs-2024
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Athletics               Pickleball Courts & Lessons, Basketball

                                                                   Call us at 847.967.6633  | Check out our Niles Park District website at

         PICKLEBALL                                     |   Check our website for Fall Pickleball

                                                            Tourney on Monday, october 14!

         inDooR PlAy: FRoM SEPTEMBER 3-MAy 23 (Hours are subject to change on holidays and winter/spring/summer breaks)

         golF ViEw REC CEnTER (4 courts)  PICKLEBALL LESSONS
         7800 N. Caldwell (847-967-1529)  Ages 18 & Up
         Mon-Fri 6:00 am - 3:00 pm      BEginnER: Learn the strokes, how to score and court positioning so you can play recreationally.  Instruction
                                        by a PPA Certified Coach.  Bring your paddle; paddle and ball will be provided if needed.
         6:00 am, 7:00 am & 8:00 am     BEginnER/ADVAnCED: This is the perfect course for the newer player that wants to get their stroke
                                        technique down.  You already know how to play the game, know all the strokes, can score, and understand
         RESERVATIONS ON 2 COURTS       the basic court positioning.  Being able to effectively dink, drop, drive, serve and return is key!  We work
         1:00 pm & 2:00 pm              strokes and court positioning so that you become a more confident player.  Instruction by a PPA Certified
         OPEN PLAY ON 3 COURTS          Coach.  Bring your paddle; paddle and ball will be provided if needed.
         6:00 am - 3:00 pm              Location:       Golf View Rec Center
         OPEN PLAY ON 1 COURT           Code             Class  Day  Date     Time         R/NR
         9:00 am - 1:00 pm              120304-07   Beginner  Wed  Sept 18-Oct 23  1:00-2:00 pm  $108/$128
                                        120304-08   Advanced/Beginner Wed  Nov 6-Dec 18  2:00-3:00 pm  $108/$128 (no class Nov 27)
         Daily Fee Per Player: $6
         1 Hour Court Rental: $20
         5 people max on the court.  Courts can be reserved 1 week in advance.
         10 Visit Pass Card: $45
         Must be purchased at Howard Leisure Center (Mon-Fri 8:30 am-5:00 pm). Only 1 visit per card per day.

         Fall Youth Basketball League
         Boys & Girls Grade 2-8
         This is a great program for the beginner as well  SPONSORED BY:
         as the more experienced players.  Teams are
         divided by skill level to assure an equal level of
         competition and fun times for all.  Each team
         will be scheduled for 10 games.  Team conflicts
         will be allowed.  Register by teams or
         individuals. Niles Park District can place  GIRLS   BOYS
         individuals on any team with less than 10  Grade 2  Grade 2        Small Shots Basketball
         members. Volunteer coaches needed, contact  Code  420305-01  Code  420305-08  Boys & Girls Grade K, 1st & 2nd
         the Athletic Office at (847) 967-1529.  Coach                      We are proud to offer this 6-week program where participants
         Packets are available at all facilities or online at  Grade 3  Grade 3  will learn dribbling, shooting, defense, and offense skills.  Fee           Code    420305-02  Code   420305-09  includes a t-shirt and basketball.  Gym shoes must be worn to
         Registration deadline is August 28.
                                        Grade 4           Grade 4           each class.  Classes are limited to 30 kids, so sign up early.
         Locations:  Golf View Rec Center,   Code  420305-03  Code  420305-10  No class December 28.
                 Grennan Heights &                                          Register early as classes will fill.
                 LoVerde Sports & Rec Center  Grade 5     Grade 5
         Game Times: Fri 5:30-10:00 pm,   Code  420305-04  Code   420305-11  Location:      Golf View Rec Center
                 Sat & Sun 9:00 am-9:00 pm  Grade 6       Grade 6           Instructor:    Kenny Krueger
         Game Dates: October 4-November 24  Code  420305-05  Code  420305-12  Code            Day Date  Time  R/NR
         Fee:    Res $115, Non-Res $157                                     120301-06  Wed Sept 25-Oct 30 4:30-5:20 pm  $78/$97
         Jersey Fee: $13  Participants from Summer  Grade 7  Grade 7        120301-01  Sat Dec 7-Jan 18  9:00-9:50 am  $78/$97
         2024 League who have their jersey do not  Code  420305-06  Code  420305-13
         need to purchase a new one.  New enrollees  Grade 8  Grade 8       120301-02  Sat Dec 7-Jan 18  10:00-10:50 am $78/$97
         for the basketball program must pay $  for a  Code  420305-07  Code  420305-14  120301-03  Sat Dec 7-Jan 18  11:00-11:50 am $78/$97
         new jersey.
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