• 6676 W. Howard Street, Niles, IL 60714     (847) 967-6633

Flashlight Egg Hunt

From April 16, 08:15 PM until 09:05 PM

Ages 5-12
Check in for your goodie bag before we hunt for eggs under the moonlight at Tam O'Shanter.  Bring your flashlight and basket to collect your eggs and goodies.  The event will end once the hunt is over.  Parent must accompany child/children on the course for the hunt.  All ages will hunt together.  In case of inclement weather, event will not be rescheduled and refunds will be given.  Registration will not be accepted the day of the event.
Parking & Check In:  Golf View Rec Center Parking Lot
Event:  On Tam Golf Course

 Code  Day  Date  Time  Res/Non-Res
 211201-07  Wed  April 16  8:15-8:35 pm  $10/$12
 211201-08  Wed  April 16  8:45-9:05 pm  $10/$12

*60 max per time slot