• 6676 W. Howard Street, Niles, IL 60714     (847) 967-6633

Niles Native is an initiative set forth by the Niles Park District to bring back biodiversity to public spaces throughout our community, and to encourage Niles residents to add a small patch of wildflowers to their own gardens and watch the benefits of native plants for themselves.

In 2022, we began transforming our sign beds and gardens to include mostly native plants  Natives are often better adapted to local climate and conditions, and require less maintenance once established.  Along with providing food for wildlife such as nectar, seeds, nuts, fruits and berries, the foliage also provides shelter for a variety of wildlife.  Not to mention, the views provided are spectacular!  Natives are drought tolerant when established and do not require fertilizer.  Overall, native plants add beauty, habitat and are a diversity rich spark to any garden.

Native plants are essential for our ecosystem to thrive as intended and can be integrated into any yard.  Come see the difference for yourself and join the Niles Park District in a mission by making a difference.

Common native plants you will find in our parks include:

Native Plant Images











Links to learn more:

Xerces Society https://xerces.org/

Wild Ones https://westcook.wildones.org/

Homegrown National Park https://homegrownnationalpark.org/

Conservation@Home https://theconservationfoundation.org/conservation-home/

University of Illinois Extension https://extension.illinois.edu/mms/horticulture

 Zizia Aptera (Heart-Leaved Golden Alexanders)  2'  May-June
 Baptisia Australis (False Blue Indigo)  4'  May-June
 Carex Brevior (Plains Oval Sedge)  1'  June-July
 Aquilegia Canadensis (Columbine)  2'  April-June
 Monarda Brandbariana (Bradbury's Monarda)  2'  June-July
 Anaphalis Margaritacea (Pearly Everlasting)  2'  June- Sept
 Bouteloua Gracilis (Blue Grama)  1'  July-Sept
 Rudbeckia Fulg. Var. Sp. (Showy Black-Eyed Susan)  2'  July-Oct
 Bouteloua Curtipendula (Side-Oats Grama)  2'  Aug-Sept
 Symphyotrichum Oblongifolium (Aromatic Aster)  2'    Aug-Nov 
 Echinacea Pallida (Pale Purple Coneflower)  3.5'  June-July
 Liatris Aspera (Button Blazing Star)  3'  July-Oct
 Sporobolus Heterolepis (Prairie Dropseed)  3'    Aug-Sept
 Solidago Nemoralis (Old Field Goldenrod)  2'  Aug-Sept
 Penstemon Digitalis (Foxglove Beardtongue)  3'    June-July
 Asclepias Tuberosa (Butterfly Weed)  2'  June-Aug
 Verbena Stricta (Hoary Vervain)  2'    June-Sept