• 6676 W. Howard Street, Niles, IL 60714     (847) 967-6633

Boys & Girls Ages 4-5 yearsregisterbutton npd 110
This league will put an emphasis on developing hitting, fielding, and throwing for the beginner using a batting tee.  Each game day will be broken up into 15 minutes of instruction followed by a low key 2 inning game.  Volunteers are needed.  All participants will receive a team t-shirt and hat.

Spring Weekend T-Ball- New day!

Registration deadline is Monday, March 31.  No games May 25.
Location:  Oakton Manor/Nico Park/Culver School

Registration Form

Player/Coach Form- Fill Out!

 Code  Day  Date  Time  Resident/Non-Res
 220301-01  Sun  Apr 27-Jun 15  10:00 am-1:00 pm  $91/$116

Summer Weeknight T-Ball

Registration deadline is Tuesday, May 27.  No games July 1.
Location:  Oakton Manor/Nico Park/Culver School

 Code  Day  Date  Time  Resident/Non-Res
 220301-03  Tues  Jun 17-Aug 5  5:00-8:00 pm  $91/$116