• 6676 W. Howard Street, Niles, IL 60714     (847) 967-6633

Boys & Girls Ages 5-7

This league is for boys and girls ready to move on from the batting tee and move to live coach pitching.  Volunteer coaches are needed.  Your son or daughter will get to learn the fundamentals of the game while having a blast!  All participants will receive a team t-shirt and hat.  At least one season of T-Ball is recommended.

Registration Form

Player/Coach Form- Fill Out!

Spring Weekend Rookie Ball- New day!
Registration deadline is Monday, March 31.  No games May 25.
Location:  Oakton Manor/Nico Park/Culver School Field

 Code  Day  Date  Time  Resident/Non-Res
 220301-02  Sun  Apr 27-Jun 15  Noon-3:00 pm  $91/$116


Summer Weeknight Rookie Ball
Registration deadline is Tuesday, May 27.  No games July 3.
Location:  Oakton Manor/Nico Park/Culver School Field

 Code  Day  Date  Time  Resident/Non-Res
 220301-04  Thurs  Jun 19-Aug 7  5:00-8:00 pm  $91/$116