• 6676 W. Howard Street, Niles, IL 60714     (847) 967-6633

Handsewn Buddiesregisterbutton npd 110
Ages 7-15  
Learn how to design and construct your own mini plushies!  Students will begin by learning basic hand-stitching techniques, moving to exploration of different types of fabric and materials.  The final project will involve the creation of keychain plushies and basic plushie clothing!  Max of 8.
Location:  Howard Leisure Center (No class March 26)

 Code  Day  Date (5 wks)  Time  Resident/Non-Res
 110109-20  Wed  Jan 15-Feb 12  4:00-5:00 pm  $120/$144
 110109-21  Wed  Feb 26-Apr 9  4:00-5:00 pm  $120/$144


Intro to Watercolor- School's Out Art Class!
Ages 7-12
Learn the basics of watercolor through introductory painting exercises leading to the creating of a sunset mountain range painting (January 20) and landscape sky painting (February 17).  Max of 8.
Location:  Howard Leisure Center

 Code  Day  Date  Time  Resident/Non-Res
 110109-24  Mon  Jan 20  11:00 am-1:00 pm  $35/$40
 110109-25  Mon  Feb 17  11:00 am-1:00 pm  $35/$40


Pop Art with Paint Pens- School's Out Art Class!
Ages 11-15
Explore color by learning to use paint markers.  This workshop will include introductory activities using the markers leading up to small portrait projects on paint chips!  Max of 8.
Location:  Howard Leisure Center

 Code  Day  Date  Time  Resident/Non-Res
 110109-26  Mon  Jan 20  2:00-4:00 pm  $35/$40
 110109-27  Mon  Feb 17  2:00-4:00 pm  $35/$40