• 6676 W. Howard Street, Niles, IL 60714     (847) 967-6633

Pickleball Lessons
Adults 18+registerbutton npd 110

Drills & Skills for Advanced Beginner/Early Intermediate:  Drilling improves your level of play!  If you have taken one or more classes and are starting or already play on a regular basis, this class is for you.  Requirements include confidently keeping score, you know the rules, where to stand during a serve/return, and can execute a serve, return, drop, dink and volley.  Improve your consistency, technique, and play with improvers like yourself.

Beginner- Brand new to Pickleball:  For the student who is not familiar with Pickleball, has played only a few times, or only plays during class.  We start from scratch and teach you the court layout, rules of the game, scoring, and basic strokes.  Return students welcome who need work on the basics.

Location:  Golf View Rec Center

 Class  Day  Date  Time  Resident/Non-Res
 Advanced Beginner/Early Intermediate  Wed  Feb 26-Mar 19  1:00-2:30 pm  $113/$134
 Beginner  Wed  Feb 26-Mar 19  2:30-4:00 pm  $113/$134